Moscow, January 16, 2017 — Business Systems Consult. International Financial Reporting Standard #9 puzzled banking methodologists. According to it, banks have to recognise expected losses for loans. Financial reporting grows from risk disclosures to risk accounting. But the methods for it are different than methods used in risk management.
What are the peculiarities of risk measurement under IFRS 9? How to make it cheap and functional? How to improve risk management in the bank to make not only financial reporting clearer but also to increase stability and quality of incomes?
Moscow, January 14, 2017 — Business Systems Consult. BSC looks back on the 2016th year.
+ Our Roll Rate Analytic System now supports deposit analysis and corresponding business processes.
+ Monthly report on Russian banking systems is provided to our clients. This report presents term structure of total balance sheet of banking system (in residual terms) and forecasts of retail deposit and loan portfolios.
+ Analytical materials on dynamic balance sheet technology, retail loan portfolio management, fund transfer systems, balance sheet management are prepaired. These articles were highly appreciated by our readers.
+ Since 2016 Roll Rate Analytic System is able to analyse and forecast portfolio distributions on credit ratings and credit grades (in addition to past due analysis).
+ Since 2016 Roll Rate Analytic System supports forecasting interest and commission payments on loan and deposit portfolios.
+ Since 2016 Roll Rate Analytic System supports dynamic balance sheet technology.
Moscow, November 06, 2016 — Business Systems Consult. Many analysts and market participants complain that floating rate loans are not so widely distributed as some people would like. Especially this problem is discussed at the emerging markets, as recent conference “Russian Derivative Market: Are Derivatives Able to Insure Russian Economy” of Russian National Financial Association showed.
But we believe, it is worth to discuss a more general issue: should banks develop this product?
Moscow, August 14, 2016 — Business Systems Consult. How to make risk management both business oriented and remaining risk management? What real problems (not regulatory compliance) could risk management solve for business? How can risk managers help to improve the efficiency of business? How to bring business units and risk management working in harness? What managerial actions should be taken to achieve these aims?
The possible answer on these questions is Risk Appetite Statement...
Moscow, May 25, 2016 — Business Systems Consult. Consultants of BSC in cooperation with Banking Institute (site in Russian) of Russian National Research University "Higher School of Economics" provided a training course on "ALM and Tresury organisation". The following topics were extensively covered: