Moscow, December 28, 2018 — Business Systems Consult. BSC consulting company wishes happy New Year to its clients and partners and summorises the results of 2018.
+ Our IFRS 9 methodology developed for Russian State Transport Leasing Company (the largest leasing company in Russian Federation) was confirmed in audit. Its main characteristics are full compliance with IFRS 9 requirements, flexibility in allowance calculation, attention to the specifics of a borrower (lessee) and the subject of pledge (leased asset), rebuttal of rebuttable assumptions regarding the terms of past due.
+ Our company contributed to Basel Market Risk Regulations preparing the comments on the Standards for risk assessment and calculation (see d352 и d436 Basel documents).
+ Consultants of our company conducted (in collaboration with Banking Institute of the National Research University Higher School of Economics and Banking Institute of Association of Russian Banks) more than 20 seminars on risk management in a financial organisation and Central Bank, more than 200 specialists from the Russian Central Bank, other banks participated in our seminars.
+ Our company in collaboration with Russian National Financial Association prepared a set of reviews on Russian REPO and derivative market.